🐋Game Bets

Less invest, take more

The platform charges a commission for bets

What wallets does the platform support?

Phantom, Slope, Solfare, Sollet, Ledger.

What is accepted as a bet?

  • Solana network nft tokens. Our platform supports most of the nft collections from marketplaces. List of supported collections: LINK (This list will be expanded).

  • $SOL, $USDC, $BONK (List will be expanded). Contact with us in discord if you want to add your token.

How are the bets calculated?

All tokens are calculated equivalent to solana. Nft tokens are priced at their floor price. The rarity of nft does not matter.

What is the minimum and maximum bet?

MIN 0.001 (any token) . MAX ∞.

How many bets can be made in one round?

You can bet with different tokens. You can bet a maximum of 10 times in a round, 50 in a game for all. Your final bet is equal to the sum of all tokens placed.

What is the commission on the bets?

Betting commission is 2%.

Last updated